Someone in an online
forum thread about ‘tackle tarts’ – anglers who always have to have all the
latest gear – made the very good point that life is short and you can’t take it
with you, so why not treat yourself to the best you can afford? Presumably,
like most tackle tarts, he flogs his old gear or stores it away in his loft,
but a much better use for it is to pass it on. It’s the same with books. Much
as I like the idea of being buried with my rods and books ‘for use in the next
life,’ every now and then I much more sensibly have a good clear-out, even of
some old favourites. It’s hard to let go of things that are precious – very hard
– but they are only things. My kids
get whichever books they want, and my son in particular is now building quite
an impressive library of his own. As for fishing tackle, I confess I still have
a loft full of the stuff, despite occasionally selling bits off second-hand. Really,
I must do better. Unlike some, I’m far too selfish to actually give up my time
to take people with special needs fishing, but I did once pass on a redundant rod
and reel to such a lad who was mad keen on fishing and the delight on his face
made me feel ten feet tall.
And it's always the things you've given away that you suddenly decide you need.